Dr. Omar Sosa

Dr. Omar Sosa has been practicing as an Internal Medicine Doctor / Hospitalist in Decatur Morgan Hospital since 2016, and also has been involved in administrative roles.

Dr. Omar Sosa is originally and assisted to medical school in Venezuela, received his medical degree from the Universidad de Carabobo in 2001, also completed training in Orthopedic Surgery at the Ciudad Hospitalaria Enrique Tejera de Valencia, located in the same country.

Dr Sosa moved to the Unites states in 2010 and completed training in Internal Medicine at Texas Tech University of Health Sciences in El Paso, Texas in 2016, also received his American board of Internal medicine in 2016.

Dr Sosa is married to wife Adriana and has three children.

Dr Sosa’s clinical knowledge is perfectly supplemented by his energetic attitude and his deep concern for patient communication, He displays enthusiasm to help others and therefore has a great relationship with the patients, families, and coworkers, speaks English and Spanish.